Cleaning my home and staying healthy are questions we are all thinking about these days. These are crazy times with the fear and uncertainties the Coronavirus has brought into our world. There are things we feel we need to do daily to keep our homes as healthy as possible. We thought we would share some tips on things we are doing at our own personal homes to try and combat this horrible Covid-19 from entering into our homes.
- WE HAVE NEVER WASHED OUR HANDS SO OFTEN. We have all heard it many times and it is so true. Let's just be thankful it's April and not January or our hands would be dry and cracking!
- Shoes for home and shoes for the store. On those in-frequent trips to the grocery, wear a separate pair of shoes to the store. When you return from the store, leave those shoes in the garage or spray them down with one of our hospital grade sanitizers. The CDC is saying this virus can possibly live on surfaces for hours-days, so keep those shoes in garage until you need them again.
- And don't wear flip-flops out in public right now. Last week was our first warm and sunny day and a gal came to work in flip-flops and then was planning on stopping at the grocery after work. But germs, viruses, and bacteria can be all over the floors of public places and our feet are in constant contact with those floors. So, just succumb to wearing closed toe shoes for now!
- Wear a mask to the grocery.This is a first for so many of us. And when you aren't used to wearing masks, and your glasses keep fogging up, wear it anyway. Last week when we went to the grocery, there were few people in masks. Today, one week later, I'd say 70% of the people where in masks. Good to see many people are following the CDC guidelines and wearing face coverings.
We've all heard to clean "the high touch points" daily. This can be a daunting and time-consuming task. It really doesn't take that long, and so important to do with soap and water or an EPA Registered disinfectant or sanitizer. And clean those bathrooms and kitchen sinks and faucets regularly.
So keep cleaning your homes. Stay safe and stay healthy. Our world is changing and we at Chem-Dry by Kevin Jones know when all this uncertainty is over, the world will be a better place. It'll definitely be a cleaner place!!