1. Values
Chem-Dry by Kevin Jones adheres to a set of core values that guide our thinking and lead to our decisions. These values help us accomplish our mission of providing the best possible service to every customer. Our values are summarized in 5 reasons why to choose Chem-Dry by Kevin Jones throughout Avon, Carmel, Brownsburg, Fishers, Geist, Indianapolis, Lebanon, Plainfield, Martinsville, Mooresville, Noblesville, Whitestown, Zionsville, Indiana.
2. Quality
Chem-Dry by Kevin Jones is known for quality carpet care at a great value. We have been providing superior cleaning service to Avon, Carmel, Brownsburg, Fishers, Geist, Indianapolis, Lebanon, Plainfield, Martinsville, Mooresville, Noblesville, Whitestown, Zionsville, Indiana, while the Chem-Dry brand has been the leader in the industry for more than three decades. As the largest carpet cleaning company in the nation, Chem-Dry is dedicated to the highest level of quality service. We combine the brand trust of a national system with local service. You know we’ll work hard to take care of our community’s cleaning service needs, because we live here too.
3. Expertise
Chem-Dry by Kevin Jones is experienced in servicing a variety of types of fabric, providing the appropriate care for even the finest carpets, rugs and upholstery. We are qualified and knowledgeable in a wide variety of carpet and upholstery cleaning services. We take ongoing opportunities to gain new experiences, add services and improve our tools as we always strive to stay on top of our industry. Call us at (317) 273-9814 to speak with one of our professional staff members.
4. Education
Chem-Dry by Kevin Jones believes in educating both our staff and our customers. By educating our Chem-Dry staff through annual training and required certification, we stay on the cutting edge of the carpet cleaning industry. By educating our customers, they become more knowledgeable about cleaning and caring for their floors, rugs and upholstery. This helps customers make better cleaning decisions and increases the long-lasting effect of Chem-Dry services. Ask us about our ongoing education to keep at the cutting edge of cleaning technology.
5. The Chem-Dry Brand Promise
Chem-Dry by Kevin Jones will delight our customers with the cleanest and fastest drying carpets and upholstery in the industry. Our products will be expertly applied so as to be gentle on carpets and property, safe for people and pets, and our services will be delivered by trustworthy, friendly professionals.
We Provide a Deeper Clean for a Healthier Home
Did you know that your carpets and upholstery can help filter the air inside your home? Carpet and upholstery fibers act like giant air filters. They collect dirt and allergens, keeping them out of the air you breathe. But just like any air filter, they need to be cleaned to remain optimally effective.
The Chem-Dry Hot Carbonating Extraction cleaning process utilizes the natural power of carbonation to deliver a deeper carpet cleaning. Our process sends millions of tiny bubbles deep into your carpet fibers to lift dirt and grime to the surface where it is then whisked away. Our cleaning method is proven to remove 98.1% of common allergens, like pet dander and dust mite matter, from carpets and upholstery
Learn more about our deep carpet cleaning process.
We’re Experts at Removing Pet Urine & Odor
We all love our pets, but their accidents can make it a challenge to keep your home clean and smelling fresh. Chem-Dry carpet cleaners are experts at removing pet urine stains and pet urine odors. Other carpet cleaners simply mask the odors with another fragrance, but Chem-Dry is different.
Our revolutionary Pet Urine Removal Treatment (P.U.R.T.® for short) works deep in your carpet fibers by attacking the source of the odors and causing a chemical reaction that destroys pet urine odors for good. It’s been tested and proven to remove 99.9% of pet urine odors from carpets*.
Learn more about our P.U.R.T. service.
Chem-Dry Carpet Cleaning vs. Steam Cleaning
You’ve probably heard of steam cleaning and may have even considered renting a steam cleaning machine for DIY carpet cleaning. But at Chem-Dry, we know that’s not the best choice.
Steam cleaning typically drenches your carpets with buckets of hot, soapy water using very high pressure. This large amount of water can take days to dry, which can create an ideal environment for mold and mildew to grow at the base of your carpet. Even worse, soapy detergents can leave a sticky residue that actually attracts dirt and causes carpets to get dirty again more quickly.
The Chem-Dry Hot Carbonating Extraction process is different. First, we use around 80% less water than steam cleaning. This means your carpets will dry in just hours, not days! Our core cleaning solution, called The Natural®, is free from soapy detergents and doesn’t leave a dirt-attracting residue, which means your carpets will stay cleaner, longer.
Learn more about Chem-Dry vs Steam Cleaning
We Can Eliminate Carpet Stains for Good
If you have kids or pets, you know that carpet stains are inevitable. But you don’t have to battle them alone, the stain removal experts at Chem-Dry can help! There’s a reason we say “if we can’t clean it, no one can!”
Our innovative Hot Carbonating Extraction cleaning process is gentle on carpet fibers, yet powerful enough to tackle most spills and spots. For stubborn stains, like those from permanent marker or lipstick, our professional carpet cleaners have an arsenal of safe and effective stain removal products that can knock out virtually any stains for good.
Learn more about our specialty stain removal service
Chem-Dry Cleaning Products
We rigorously evaluate our products to ensure they meet strict standards. Over 40 of our products, including our core carpet cleaning solution, The Natural®, are safe for your kids and home.
Learn more about our Chem-Dry products.
Remember, our professionally-trained technicians are equipped with industry-leading equipment and proprietary solutions to clean and restore your home or business' most precious surfaces. From carpets and upholstery to tile, stone, grout and granite counter tops, Chem-Dry offers the best cleaning for you. Call today for a free quote.
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