Tips to Help with Pet Anxiety on July 4th
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Many pets have high anxiety on July 4th with all the noise from fireworks. With that anxiety can come many issues including running away, urinating inside the house, and hiding. Help keep your pets safe this July 4th with the below tips:

  • Make sure your pet has an up-to-date ID tag and that tag is visible. If your pet does get lost, you’ll have the peace of mind to know someone can call you with their whereabouts.
  • Take a current picture of your pet so you’d have a photo in case it’s needed to post on social media to help find your beloved pet.
  • Exercise your pet early in the day to try and wear them out a bit. This might help them sleep better once the firework noise starts.
  • If you have guests, ask them to play with your pet AWAY from any fireworks.
  • Keep all fireworks and sparklers away from curious canines. The last thing they should be chewing or playing with is fireworks.
  • Ask your guests to not feed your pet “human” food and have dog treats on hand so they can be easily distracted.
  • Try a frozen, stuffed treat while fireworks are at their loudest. Also, soft music might help. This might help distract your pet.

We at Chem‑Dry by Kevin Jones hope your pets have no issues with this holiday. But if they do have the issue of urinating on the carpet as they are too afraid to go outside, we can help. Just soak up the urine with a white towel and call us! Our pet urine removal treatment has been proven to remove 99% urine odors and we’d love to help you and your pets come out of this holiday with no pet odor issues.